Friday, December 01, 2006

A Story by Nick

Here's an anecdote that Nick shared in one of his school writing assignments. His spelling leaves something to be desired, so I have edited for spelling, and for punctuation, but not grammar. Words in { } are my explanations for what he's saying. It's a cute story...and true:
My dad lets me have lighters, and matches, but my mom don't. Probably cause she's caught me in the act with fire. One time we went up South {meaning South Carolina} to get some fireworks. When we got home I asked if I can bring some upstairs to my room. They said, yes, only if I don't light them. So I brought them up to my room and put them in my closet. A couple days later, I was in my room watching T.V. when I heard them, the fireworks, calling my name. I went to my closet, looked up, and it just got me. I had to light one. So I got a little one out of the pack and walked to the hall to make sure nobody was around, pulled out a lighter, opened my window, lit it, and threw it. It was very, very bright. It twisted in the air on the way down. When it went out, the next thing I heard was my dad calling my name. They were in the den, right under me, and the curtains was open. They seen the whole thing.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

LOL! Too funny! Well, it just shows that most kids do think alike, which is why it's always funny when kids think they have one "up on you," not realizing that we were all kids at one time too! The story gave me a smile!