Wednesday, December 06, 2006

A Poem by Wilma McPhail

Wilma McPail was a lady I knew from church. I was probably thirteen at the time. She was a published poet, and I played my guitar and sang in church. One day when my family and I were visiting her at home, she handed me a folder filled with unpublished poetry. She asked me to put music to her work, said she'd love to hear some of her poems sung. So, I did that with the following poem (see below) and have sung it in church many times through the years. Sis. McPhail was pleasantly surprised by the poem I used, as there were others she thought more suitable.
Sadly, I disappointed her when I did not use any more of her poems. I did not see the rare opportunity placed before me that day, as teenagers often don't. I wish I could have another chance with Sis. McPhail's poetry. I'm sure she has gone on to be with the Lord. Her health was failing even then, when I knew her. If anyone knows of her work, or how I can contact any of her family members, please send me an email to: anweury at yahoo dot com.

Somewhere there is someone
In need of our prayer
Somewhere there is someone
Lost in despair
Somewhere God is listening
To see if we care
So let's pray one for another
That his blessings we will share

Take time to pray daily
Even though things go well
For sin may vex us tomorrow
Only God can tell
A brother uplifted
By our prayers today
Will ask our Father to have mercy
On his children who prayed

Somewhere there are valleys
We each must walk through
Troubles, heartaches
And disappointments, too
But if we pray as we travel
When our sun ceases to shine
God will answer our brother's prayers
As he answered yours and mine

—by Wilma McPhail


Anonymous said...

What a beautiful poem! Now I'd like to hear it! I hope you don't mind, I'd like to share it with my hubby, and I'm sure he'll be interested in it!

Angie said...

No worries! Go ahead and share it. Now I have to find a way to record it online so you can hear it. Got any ideas how to do that?

BTW - Thanks for the dialogue here on my blog! I really enjoy hearing from you...even if it's a little note. Somehow it makes me feel connected to the outside world. Believe me...this place can feel like the end of the earth sometimes! God bless you!
