Thursday, October 19, 2006


After my mom died, I would sit up all night long wishing someone would tell me it's time to go to bed.
I think of this whenever I'm reminding my son to do his homework, clean his room, take out the trash, and yes, go to bed. He needs to know that I have expectations for his behavior and comportment. Whether he understands it now, or not, he needs limitations. He needs boundaries.
I know good child rearing is complicated, and cannot be reduced to one principle. But when I see a child out of control—one who cannot control his anger or his desires—I cannot help but think of my own mother reminding me of bedtime; or standing in my bedroom door with a switch in hand and demanding that I clean my room; or taking me to the mirror and proclaiming, "Look how beautiful you are! Why would you want to ruin that with make-up?" when I wanted to look like other girls.
While I don't believe in clipping a child's wings, or hindering them from finding out the hard way, I do think ample guidance is needed along the way. It's important to teach kids how to think, not just what to think.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I wholly agree! That's one of the things I appreciated about my folks, (especially my Dad) who encouraged individuality and personality by being laid back to a slight extent; he always reminded us that as PK's we would be watched, but he was quick to make us feel it was okay to just be kids too...sadly, nowadays one often sees more apathy..