Sunday, March 04, 2007

Lunar Eclipse

Tonight there was a lunar eclipse. I couldn't hold my camera still enough in the pushy wind, so the pictures didn't turn out quite right. I thought they were interesting, however. Here are a few:


Anonymous said...

Oh, that is neat! I about gave up hope you'd come back to write, and just on a whim stopped by to take a peek!

Angie said...

I'm so glad you didn't give up! I've been working like crazy on my eBay business. It has kept Wayne, my sister and me very busy the last several weeks. It's paying off though...I should get my "Power Seller" icon back by the end of March.

I miss everybody so much! I checked in MySpace now and then peek at comments, but really haven't spent much time there either.

I hope to start blogging more regularly. It's good therapy. :-)

Hope you're feeling well. I remember reading that you were in an accident. Is everybody okay?

I'll talk to you later.

Love you!