Sunday, March 11, 2007

Good Therapy

Blogging for several months...then not blogging for a month or so...leaves me feeling kinda guilty. Do I dare come back? Pick up where I left off? All I know is that I really missed it. Sharing my thoughts with everybody--and maybe nobody--is theraputic. I'm going to try and continue. God bless us every one.


Anonymous said...

Absolutely! And we enjoy stopping by!

Anonymous said...

I enjoy reading your thoughts and don't mind if I have to check back until you have something new up. You never know if what you write may help someone reading it! Keep on writing!!!!

Angie said...

Thank you for the encouragement! Since I started posting again, I've come down with a stomach virus (or something?) I haven't felt much like writing. I actually felt like I didn't have anything to say during this time! (I'm sure my husband would find that amusing.)

Anonymous said...

I check it quite often too so don't stop! I enjoy reading your blog. Sis. Jordan